Welcome to Majipoor

A resource for information about the works of Robert Silverberg

This website aims to be the complete repository for
information about one of science fiction’s major practitioners, Robert Silverberg. And even outside the field of science fiction, his body of work is impressive, spanning nonfiction works on historical and scientific subjects, reflective and analytical pieces on a wide variety of topics, and fiction in other genres.

A note from Robert Silverberg:

I’ve asked Jon Davis to designate this site as the Quasi-Official Robert Silverberg Site, a term of my own devising. What I mean by it is that this is as close to an official site as I’m ever going to have, because I lack the technical skills to build a site of my own, as well as the time and, I suppose, the energy. And also my temperament is not inclined toward more self-promotion than is absolutely necessary for my professional well-being, and setting up a web site for oneself strikes me as a rather emphatic act of self-promotion. On the other hand, the site as Jon has constructed it contains everything that a proper author site should have, and nothing that it shouldn’t. I was immensely pleased to discover it in my on-line wanderings and I continue to enjoy visiting it (as well as to make use
of its bibliographical material for my own reference!).

In short, I’m delighted that Jon’s enthusiasm for my work has led him to go to so much effort on my behalf. But — it remains a quasi-official site because it continues to belong to Jon. I may be present as a guiding figure in the background, but he and he alone will decide what is to be included. He is free to run negative reviews of my work if the spirit so moves him, although I hope he doesn’t feel the need to do it often. (I am about as casual about negative
criticism as any professional writer ever was — usually a harsh review goes out of my mind within minutes — but I will admit to preferring praise.)