Robert Silverberg Bibliography | All forms

"Major" works include writing in all genres except adult fiction, which are called "minor." Listings are available for either major works alone, minor works alone, or combined.

Alphabetical order: Major | Minor | Combined
Chronological order: Major | Minor | Combined


(618 items found)

  1. 1066 (Non-fiction, 1964)
  2. 3117 Half-Credit Uncirculated (Short story, 1958)
  3. Absolutely Inflexible (Short story, 1956)
  4. Across a Billion Years (Novel, 1969)
  5. The Adventures of Nat Palmer: Antarctic Explorer and Clipper Ship Pioneer (Non-fiction, 1967)
  6. The Affair (Novelette) (See Snake and Ocean, Ocean and Snake)
  7. After the Myths Went Home (Short story, 1969)
  8. Against Babylon (Novelette, 1986)
  9. Against the Current (Short story, 2006)
  10. Age of Anxiety (Short story, 1957)
  11. Akhnaten: The Rebel Pharaoh (Non-fiction, 1964)
  12. Alaree (Short story, 1958)
  13. The Alien Dies at Dawn (Short story, 1956)
  14. The Alien Years (Novel, 1997)
  15. Aliens from Space (Novel, 1958)
  16. The Aliens Were Haters (Short story, 1958)
  17. All the King's Horses (Short story, 1958)
  18. All the Way Up, All the Way Down (Novelette, 1971)
  19. Always (Short story, 1956)
  20. Amanda and the Alien (Novelette, 1983)
  21. The Ambassador's Pit (Short story, 1957)
  22. Among the Dream Speakers (Short story, 1982)
  23. Among the Rememberers (Novelette, 1968)
  24. And the Walls Came Tumbling Down (Short story, 1957)
  25. The Android Kill (Short story, 1957)
  26. Antarctic Conquest: The Great Explorers in Their Own Words (Non-fiction, 1965)
  27. The Anvil of Time (Novel) (See Hawksbill Station)
  28. Anything His Heart Desires (Short story, 1957)
  29. Appropriation (Short story, 1959)
  30. The Artifact Business (Short story, 1957)
  31. As Is (Novelette, 1968)
  32. The Asenion Solution (Short story, 1989)
  33. The Assassin (Short story, 1957)
  34. At the Conglomeroid Cocktail Party (Short story, 1982)
  35. At the End of Days (Short story, 1965)
  36. At Winter's End (Novel, 1988)
  37. At Winter's End (Novella, 1988)
  38. The Auk, the Dodo, and the Oryx: Vanished and Vanishing Creatures (Non-fiction, 1967)
  39. Basileus (Short story, 1983)
  40. Batman in Nighttown (Novelette, 1989)
  41. Battle for the Thousand Suns (Short story, 1956)
  42. The Beast with Seven Tails (Novella, 1956)
  43. Beasts of Nightmare Horror (Novelette, 1959)
  44. Beauty in the Night (Novelette, 1997)
  45. Before the Sphinx: Early Egypt (Non-fiction, 1971)
  46. Birds of a Feather (Novelette, 1958)
  47. Black Is Beautiful (Short story, 1970)
  48. Blaze of Glory (Short story, 1957)
  49. Bleekman's Planet (Short story, 1957)
  50. Blindsight (Novelette, 1986)
  51. Blue Fire (Novelette, 1965)
  52. The Blue Plague (Short story, 1957)
  53. The Book of Changes (Novelette, 2003)
  54. The Book of Skulls (Novel, 1972)
  55. Born with the Dead (Novella, 1974)
  56. Breckenridge and the Continuum (Novelette, 1973)
  57. Bride Ninety-One (Short story, 1967)
  58. Bridges (Non-fiction, 1966)
  59. Bruce of the Blue Nile (Non-fiction, 1961)
  60. By the Seawall (Short story, 1967)
  61. Caliban (Short story, 1972)
  62. The Calibrated Alligator (Novelette, 1960)
  63. Calintane Explains (Short story, 1980)
  64. Call Me Titan (Novelette, 1997)
  65. Call Me Zombie! (Short story, 1957)
  66. Calling Captain Flint (Short story, 1956)
  67. Capricorn Games (Short story, 1974)
  68. Castaways of Space (Short story, 1958)
  69. The Catch (Short story, 1990)
  70. Catch 'Em All Alive! (Short story) (See Collecting Team)
  71. Catch a Thief (Short story, 1956)
  72. Caught in the Organ Draft (Short story, 1972)
  73. A Certain Answer (Poem, 1958)
  74. Certainty (Short story, 1959)
  75. Chalice of Death (Novelette, 1957)
  76. Challenge for a Throne: The Wars of the Roses (Non-fiction, 1967)
  77. The Challenge of Climate: Man and His Environment (Non-fiction, 1969)
  78. The Changeling (Short story, 1982)
  79. Chip Runner (Short story, 1989)
  80. Choke Chain (Short story, 1956)
  81. The Chosen People (Novelette, 1956)
  82. The Church at Monte Saturno (Short story, 1997)
  83. Citadel of Darkness (Short story, 1957)
  84. Clocks for the Ages: How Scientists Date the Past (Non-fiction, 1971)
  85. The Clone Zone (Short story, 1991)
  86. The Cold-Blooded Ones (Short story, 1958)
  87. Collecting Team (Short story, 1956)
  88. Collision Course (Short story, 1959)
  89. Collision Course (Novel, 1958)
  90. The Colonel in Autumn (Novelette, 1998)
  91. The Colonel Returns to the Stars (Short story, 2004)
  92. Come into My Brain! (Short story, 1958)
  93. Company Store (Short story, 1959)
  94. Conquerors from the Darkness (Novel, 1965)
  95. Constabulary Duty (Short story, 1958)
  96. Cosmic Kill (Novella, 1957)
  97. Counterpart (Novelette, 1959)
  98. Crime and Punishment (Short story, 1982)
  99. Critical Threshold (Novelette, 1957)
  100. Crossing into the Empire (Short story, 1995)
  101. The Crusades (Non-fiction, 1965)
  102. A Cry for Help (Short story, 1959)
  103. Dancers in the Time-Flux (Short story, 1983)
  104. Dark Companion (Novelette, 1961)
  105. Dark Times at the Midnight Market (Novelette, 2010)
  106. The Dawn of Medicine (Non-fiction, 1967)
  107. The Dawning Light (Novel, 1957)
  108. The Day the Founder Died (Short story, 1974)
  109. The Day the Monsters Broke Loose (Short story, 1959)
  110. The Dead Man's Eyes (Short story, 1988)
  111. The Dead World (Short story, 1957)
  112. Deadlock (Novelette, 1959)
  113. Death Do Us Part (Novelette, 1996)
  114. Death's Planet (Novelette, 1957)
  115. Decision Final (Short story, 1958)
  116. Delivery Guaranteed (Short story, 1959)
  117. Demons of Cthulhu (Short story, 1959)
  118. The Desert of Stolen Dreams (Novella, 1981)
  119. The Dessicator (Short story, 1956)
  120. Deus Ex Machina (Novelette, 1956)
  121. Diana of the Hundred Breasts (Short story, 1996)
  122. The Dodo, the Auk and the Oryx (Non-fiction) (See The Auk, the Dodo, and the Oryx: Vanished and Vanishing Creatures)
  123. Double Dare (Short story, 1956)
  124. Downward to the Earth (Novel, 1969)
  125. The Dragon on the Bookshelf (Short story, 1995)
  126. Dream Girl (Short story, 1956)
  127. Drug Themes in Science Fiction (Non-fiction, 1974)
  128. The Dybbuk of Mazel Tov IV (Short story, 1974)
  129. Dying Inside (Novel, 1972)
  130. Earth Shall Live Again (Novella, 1957)
  131. Earthman's Burden (Short story, 1959)
  132. The Eater of Dreams (Short story, 2007)
  133. The Election (Novella, 1983)
  134. The Emperor and the Maula (Novelette, 2017)
  135. The Emperor and the Maula (Novella) (Novella, 2017)
  136. Empires in the Dust: Ancient Civilizations Brought to Light (Non-fiction, 1963)
  137. En Route to Earth (Short story, 1957)
  138. The End of the Line (Novelette, 2013)
  139. An Enemy of Peace (Short story, 1957)
  140. Enter a Soldier. Later: Enter Another (Novella, 1989)
  141. Entrance Exam (Short story, 1956)
  142. Eve and the Twenty-Three Adams (Short story, 1958)
  143. Exiled from Earth (Short story, 1958)
  144. Eye of the Beholder (Short story, 1959)
  145. The Fabulous Rockefellers (Non-fiction, 1963)
  146. The Face of the Waters (Novel, 1991)
  147. The Face of the Waters (Short story, 1991)
  148. False Prophet (Novelette, 1956)
  149. The Fangs of the Trees (Novelette, 1968)
  150. The Far Side of the Bell-Shaped Curve (Short story, 1982)
  151. The Fascination of the Abomination (Novella, 1987)
  152. Father Image (Short story, 1957)
  153. The Feast of St. Dionysus (Novelette, 1973)
  154. Fifteen Battles That Changed the World (Non-fiction, 1963)
  155. The Fight with the Gorgon (Short story) (See Gorgon Planet)
  156. The Final Challenge (Short story, 1956)
  157. The Fires Die Down (Short story, 1958)
  158. First American Into Space (Non-fiction, 1961)
  159. The Flame and the Hammer (Novella, 1957)
  160. Flies (Short story, 1967)
  161. Force of Mortality (Short story, 1957)
  162. Forgotten by Time: A Book of Living Fossils (Non-fiction, 1966)
  163. Forgotten World (Short story, 1957)
  164. The Four (Short story, 1958)
  165. Four Men Who Changed the Universe (Non-fiction, 1968)
  166. Freak Show (Short story, 1957)
  167. Frontier Planet (Short story, 1958)
  168. Frontiers in Archeology (Non-fiction, 1966)
  169. Fueling Stop (Short story, 1958)
  170. Galactic Thrill Kids (Short story, 1957)
  171. Gambler's Planet (Short story, 1956)
  172. Gate of Horn, Gate of Ivory (Short story, 1984)
  173. The Gate of Worlds (Novel, 1967)
  174. Gateway to Terror (Short story, 1958)
  175. Getting Across (Novelette, 1973)
  176. Getting to Know the Dragon (Novelette, 1999)
  177. Ghost Towns of the American West (Non-fiction, 1968)
  178. Gianni (Short story, 1982)
  179. Gilgamesh in the Outback (Novella, 1986)
  180. Gilgamesh in Uruk (Novella, 1988)
  181. Gilgamesh the King (Novel, 1984)
  182. The Girl from Bodies, Inc. (Short story, 1956)
  183. Godling, Go Home! (Novelette, 1957)
  184. Going (Novella, 1971)
  185. Going Down Smooth (Short story, 1968)
  186. The Golden Dream: Seekers of El Dorado (Non-fiction, 1965)
  187. Good News from the Vatican (Short story, 1971)
  188. Gorgon Planet (Short story, 1954)
  189. Great Adventures in Archaeology (Non-fiction, 1964)
  190. The Great Doctors (Non-fiction, 1964)
  191. The Great Kladnar Race (Short story, 1956)
  192. The Great Wall of China (Non-fiction, 1965)
  193. Greenhouse Days on the High Seas (Short story, 1990)
  194. Guardian Devil (Novelette, 1959)
  195. Guardian of the Crystal Gate (Novelette, 1956)
  196. The Guest Rites (Short story, 1957)
  197. Hail to the Chief (Short story, 1984)
  198. Halfway House (Short story, 1966)
  199. Hannibal's Elephants (Short story, 1988)
  200. Hanosz Prime (Short story, 1997)
  201. A Happy Day in 2381 (Short story, 1970)
  202. The Happy Sleepers (Short story, 1958)
  203. The Happy Unfortunate (Short story, 1957)
  204. Hardware (Short story, 1987)
  205. Harwood's Vortex (Short story, 1957)
  206. Hawksbill Station (Novel, 1970)
  207. Hawksbill Station (Novella, 1967)
  208. Heap Big Medicine (Short story) (See Strong Waters)
  209. Heir Reluctant (Novelette, 1958)
  210. Hero from Yesterday (Short story, 1957)
  211. A Hero of the Empire (Novelette, 1999)
  212. Hi Diddle Diddle! (Novelette, 1959)
  213. Hidden Talent (Novelette, 1957)
  214. His Brother's Weeper (Novelette, 1959)
  215. His Head in the Clouds (Short story, 1957)
  216. The History of Surgery (Non-fiction, 1963)
  217. Hole in the Air (Short story, 1956)
  218. Home of the Red Man: Indian North America before Columbus (Non-fiction, 1963)
  219. Homecoming Horde (Short story, 1958)
  220. Homefaring (Novella, 1983)
  221. Hopper (Novelette, 1954)
  222. The Horror in the Attic (Short story, 1959)
  223. Hot Sky (Short story, 1990)
  224. Hot Sky at Midnight (Novel, 1994)
  225. Hot Times in Magma City (Novella, 1995)
  226. Hot Trip for Venus (Short story, 1957)
  227. House Divided (Short story, 1974)
  228. House of Bones (Short story, 1988)
  229. House Operator (Short story, 1957)
  230. Housemaid No. 103 (Short story, 1957)
  231. How It Was When the Past Went Away (Novella, 1969)
  232. How They Pass the Time in Pelpel (Short story, 1981)
  233. Hunt the Space-Witch! (Novella, 1958)
  234. The Hunted Heroes (Short story, 1956)
  235. Hunters in the Forest (Short story, 1991)
  236. The Hunters of Cutwold (Novelette, 1957)
  237. If I Forget Thee, O Jerusalem (Non-fiction, 1970)
  238. The Impossible Intelligence (Short story, 1959)
  239. In Another Country (Novella, 1989)
  240. In Entropy's Jaws (Novelette, 1971)
  241. In Gratitude (Short story) (See There Was an Old Woman...)
  242. In the Beginning (Short story, 1970)
  243. In the Clone Zone (Short story) (See The Clone Zone)
  244. In the Fifth Year of the Voyage (Novelette, 1981)
  245. In the Group (Short story, 1973)
  246. In the House of Double Minds (Novelette, 1974)
  247. The Incomplete Theft (Short story, 1957)
  248. The Inquisitor (Short story, 1956)
  249. The Insidious Invaders (Short story, 1959)
  250. Into Space: A Young Person's Guide to Space Exploration (Non-fiction, 1971)
  251. Invaders from Earth (Novel, 1958)
  252. Invasion Vanguard (Short story, 1958)
  253. Invisible Barriers (Novel, 1958)
  254. The Iron Chancellor (Novelette, 1958)
  255. The Iron Star (Novelette, 1988)
  256. Ishmael in Love (Short story, 1970)
  257. The Isolationists (Short story, 1958)
  258. It Comes and Goes (Short story, 1992)
  259. Jennifer's Lover (Short story, 1982)
  260. John Muir, Prophet Among the Glaciers (Non-fiction, 1972)
  261. Journey's End (Short story, 1958)
  262. The Judas Valley (Novelette, 1956)
  263. A Killing Light (Novelette, 1999)
  264. King of Dreams (Novel, 2000)
  265. The King of the Golden River (Short story, 1967)
  266. King of the Golden World (Short story) (See The King of the Golden River)
  267. Kingdoms of the Wall (Novelette, 1993)
  268. Kingdoms of the Wall (Novel, 1992)
  269. Kublai Khan: Lord of Xanadu (Non-fiction, 1966)
  270. Lair of the Dragonbird (Short story, 1956)
  271. Last Surviving Veteran of the War of San Francisco (Novelette, 1991)
  272. Lazarus Come Forth! (Novelette, 1966)
  273. Leisure Class (Short story, 1959)
  274. Lest We Forget Thee, Earth (Novel, 1958)
  275. Letters from Atlantis (Novel, 1990)
  276. Light for the World: Edison and the Power of Electricity (Non-fiction, 1967)
  277. Lion Time in Timbuctoo (Novelette, 1990)
  278. A Little Intelligence (Novelette, 1958)
  279. The Loathsome Beasts (Novelette, 1959)
  280. The Loneliest Continent: The Story of Antarctic Discovery (Non-fiction, 1964)
  281. The Lonely One (Short story, 1956)
  282. A Long Night's Vigil at the Temple (Novelette, 1992)
  283. The Long Rampart: The Story of the Great Wall of China (Non-fiction, 1966)
  284. The Longest Voyage: Circumnavigation in the Age of Discovery (Non-fiction, 1972)
  285. The Longest Way Home (Novel, 2001)
  286. Look Homeward, Spaceman (Short story, 1956)
  287. Looking for the Fountain (Novelette, 1992)
  288. Lord of Darkness (Novel, 1983)
  289. Lord Prestimion (Novel, 1999)
  290. Lord Valentine's Castle (Novel, 1980)
  291. Lost Cities and Vanished Civilizations (Non-fiction, 1962)
  292. Lost Race of Mars (Novel, 1960)
  293. The Lunatic Planet (Short story, 1957)
  294. The Lure of Galaxy A (Short story, 1958)
  295. The Macauley Circuit (Short story, 1956)
  296. A Madman on Board (Short story, 1958)
  297. Majipoor Chronicles (Novel, 1983)
  298. Malnutrition (Short story) (See Alaree)
  299. Mammoths Mastodons and Man (Non-fiction, 1970)
  300. Man Before Adam: The Story of Man in Search of Origins (Non-fiction, 1964)
  301. The Man in the Maze (Novel, 1968)
  302. Man of Many Bodies (Short story, 1956)
  303. A Man of Talent (Short story, 1956)
  304. Man on the Run (Novelette, 1960)
  305. The Man Who Came Back (Short story, 1961)
  306. The Man Who Floated in Time (Short story, 1982)
  307. The Man Who Found Nineveh (Non-fiction, 1964)
  308. The Man Who Hated Noise (Short story, 1957)
  309. The Man Who Never Forgot (Short story, 1958)
  310. The Man with Talent (Short story, 1956)
  311. Many Mansions (Novelette, 1973)
  312. The Martian (Short story, 1955)
  313. The Martian Invasion Journals of Henry James (Novelette, 1996)
  314. The Mask of Akhnaten (Novel, 1965)
  315. The Masks of Time (Novel, 1968)
  316. Master of Life and Death (Novel, 1957)
  317. Men Against Time: Salvage Archaeology in the United States (Non-fiction, 1967)
  318. Men Who Mastered the Atom (Non-fiction, 1965)
  319. Menace from Vega (Short story, 1958)
  320. The Millennium Express (Short story, 2000)
  321. Mind for Business (Short story, 1956)
  322. Misfit (Short story, 1957)
  323. Monday Immortal (Short story, 1957)
  324. The Monster Died at Dawn (Short story, 1956)
  325. The Monsters Came by Night (Short story, 1959)
  326. Monsters That Once Were Men (Short story, 1959)
  327. The Moon Is New (Short story, 1959)
  328. Moon of Death (Short story, 1966)
  329. The Morning of Mankind: Prehistoric Man in Europe (Non-fiction, 1967)
  330. The Mound Builders (Non-fiction, 1974)
  331. Mound Builders of Ancient America: The Archaeology of a Myth (Non-fiction, 1968)
  332. The Mountains of Majipoor (Novel, 1995)
  333. Mournful Monster (Novelette, 1959)
  334. Ms. Found in an Abandoned Time Machine (Short story, 1973)
  335. MUgwump Four (Novelette, 1959)
  336. Multiples (Short story, 1983)
  337. The Mummy Takes a Wife (Novelette, 1956)
  338. The Mutant Season (Novel, 1990)
  339. The Mutant Season (Short story, 1973)
  340. The Mutant Weapon (Short story) (See The Mutant Season)
  341. The Mystery of Deneb IV (Short story, 1957)
  342. Needle in a Timestack (Short story, 1983)
  343. Neighbor (Short story, 1964)
  344. Neutral Planet (Short story, 1957)
  345. Never Trust a Thief! (Short story, 1958)
  346. New Men for Mars (Novelette, 1957)
  347. The New Springtime (Novel, 1990)
  348. New Year's Eve, 2000 (Short story, 1957)
  349. Niels Bohr: The Man Who Mapped the Atom (Non-fiction, 1965)
  350. Nightfall (Novel, 1990)
  351. Nightwings (Novel, 1969)
  352. Nightwings (Novelette, 1968)
  353. No Future in This (Novelette, 1956)
  354. No Trap for the Keth (Short story, 1956)
  355. No Way Out (Short story, 1958)
  356. Not Our Brother (Novelette, 1982)
  357. (Now+n)(Now-n) (Novelette, 1972)
  358. The Nudes of Quendar III (Short story, 1957)
  359. O Captain, My Captain (Short story, 1956)
  360. The Old Man (Short story, 1957)
  361. The Old Ones: Indians of the American Southwest (Non-fiction, 1965)
  362. Old Spacemen (Short story) (See The Old Man)
  363. On the Inside (Short story, 1997)
  364. One of Our Asteroids Is Missing (Novel, 1963)
  365. One-Way Journey (Novelette, 1957)
  366. Open the Sky (Novelette) (See To Open the Sky)
  367. Other Spaces, Other Times (Non-fiction, 2009)
  368. Our Lady of the Sauropods (Short story, 1980)
  369. The Outbreeders (Short story, 1959)
  370. Outcast of the Stars (Short story, 1957)
  371. An Outpost of the Empire (Short story, 1991)
  372. Outpost Peril (Short story, 1957)
  373. Overlord of Colony Eight (Short story, 1957)
  374. The Overlord's Thumb (Novelette, 1958)
  375. Ozymandias (Short story, 1958)
  376. The Pain Peddlers (Short story, 1963)
  377. The Palace at Midnight (Short story, 1981)
  378. Pardoner's Tale (Short story, 1987)
  379. Passengers (Short story, 1968)
  380. Passport to Sirius (Short story, 1958)
  381. The Perfect Host (Novelette, 1992)
  382. Perris Way (Novelette) (See Among the Rememberers)
  383. A Piece of the Great World (Novella, 2005)
  384. Pirates of the Void (Short story, 1957)
  385. A Planet All My Own (Short story, 1958)
  386. The Planet Killers (Novel, 1959)
  387. Planet of Death (Novel, 1967)
  388. Planet of Parasites (Novelette, 1958)
  389. Planet of the Angry Giants (Novelette, 1959)
  390. The Pleasure of Our Company (Novelette) (See The Pleasure of Their Company)
  391. The Pleasure of Their Company (Novelette, 1970)
  392. The Plot Against Earth (Novel, 1959)
  393. Pluto Story (Short story, 2000)
  394. Point of Focus (Short story, 1958)
  395. The Pope of the Chimps (Novelette, 1982)
  396. The Positronic Man (Novel, 1992)
  397. Postmark Ganymede (Short story, 1957)
  398. Precedent (Novelette, 1957)
  399. Prime Commandment (Short story, 1958)
  400. Prison Planet (Novelette, 1958)
  401. Project Pendulum (Novel, 1987)
  402. The Promised Land (Novelette, 1956)
  403. The Pueblo Revolt (Non-fiction, 1970)
  404. Push No More (Novelette, 1972)
  405. Queen of Springtime (Novel) (See The New Springtime)
  406. Quick Freeze (Short story, 1957)
  407. Re-conditioned Human (Short story, 1959)
  408. The Reality Trip (Short story, 1970)
  409. Reality Unlimited (Short story, 1957)
  410. The Realm of Prester John (Non-fiction, 1972)
  411. Recalled to Life (Novel, 1962)
  412. The Red Blaze Is the Morning (Novelette, 1995)
  413. Regan's Planet (Novel, 1964)
  414. The Regulars (Short story, 1981)
  415. The Reign of Terror (Novelette, 2002)
  416. The Reluctant Traitor (Short story, 1958)
  417. Rescue Mission (Short story, 1957)
  418. Revolt of the Synthetics (Short story, 1956)
  419. Revolt on Alpha C (Novel, 1954)
  420. Ringing the Changes (Short story, 1970)
  421. The Rivals (Short story, 1956)
  422. Rivers: A Book to Begin On (Non-fiction, 1966)
  423. The Road to Jorslem (Short story) (See To Jorslem)
  424. Road to Nightfall (Novelette, 1954)
  425. Roma Eterna (Novel, 2003)
  426. Run of Luck (Short story, 1956)
  427. Run of the Mill (Short story, 1957)
  428. Sailing to Byzantium (Novella, 1984)
  429. Schwartz Between the Galaxies (Novelette, 1974)
  430. The Science Fiction Hall of Fame (Short story, 1973)
  431. Scientists and Scoundrels: A Book of Hoaxes (Non-fiction, 1965)
  432. A Sea of Faces (Short story, 1974)
  433. The Search for Eldorado (Non-fiction, 1967)
  434. A Season for Remorse (Short story, 1957)
  435. The Second Shield (Short story, 1995)
  436. The Second Trip (Novel, 1971)
  437. The Second Wave (Novelette, 2002)
  438. Secret of the Green Invaders (Novelette, 1956)
  439. The Secret of the Shan (Short story, 1956)
  440. The Secret Sharer (Novella, 1987)
  441. The Seed of Earth (Short story) (See Journey's End)
  442. The Seed of Earth (Novel, 1962)
  443. The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World (Non-fiction, 1970)
  444. The Seventh Shrine (Novella, 1998)
  445. The Shadow of Wings (Short story, 1963)
  446. Shadow on the Stars (Short story, 1958)
  447. Shadow on the Stars (Novel) (See Stepsons of Terra)
  448. Shadrach in the Furnace (Novel, 1976)
  449. Ship-Shape Pay-Off (Short story) (See Pay Up or Else)
  450. Ship-Sister, Star-Sister (Novelette, 1973)
  451. The Shrines of Earth (Short story, 1957)
  452. The Shrouded Planet (Novel, 1957)
  453. The Silent Colony (Short story, 1954)
  454. The Silent Invaders (Novel, 1963)
  455. The Silent Invaders (Novella, 1957)
  456. Sir Winston Churchill (Non-fiction, 1961)
  457. Six Frightened Men (Short story, 1957)
  458. The Sixth Palace (Short story, 1965)
  459. The Skag Castle (Novelette, 1956)
  460. Slaughter on Dornel IV (Short story, 1957)
  461. Slaves of the Star Giants (Novella, 1956)
  462. Slaves of the Tree (Novelette, 1958)
  463. A Sleep and a Forgetting (Short story, 1989)
  464. Slice of Life (Short story, 1958)
  465. The Slow and the Dead (Novelette, 1956)
  466. Snake and Ocean, Ocean and Snake (Novelette, 1984)
  467. Socrates (Non-fiction, 1965)
  468. Solitary (Short story, 1957)
  469. Some Notes on the Pre-Dynastic Epoch (Short story, 1973)
  470. Someone Is Watching You (Novelette, 1958)
  471. Something Wild Is Loose (Novelette, 1971)
  472. Son of Man (Novel, 1971)
  473. The Song of Last Things (Novella, 2013)
  474. The Song the Zombie Sang (Short story, 1970)
  475. The Songs of Summer (Short story, 1955)
  476. The Sorcerer's Apprentice (Novelette, 2004)
  477. Sorcerers of Majipoor (Novel, 1997)
  478. The Sorceror's Shop (Short story, 1974)
  479. The Soul-Painter and the Shapeshifter (Short story, 1981)
  480. Sound Decision (Novelette, 1956)
  481. Sourdough (Short story, 1956)
  482. The South Pole: A Book to Begin On (Non-fiction, 1968)
  483. Spacerogue (Novella, 1958)
  484. Spawn of the Deadly Sea (Novella, 1957)
  485. The Sri Lanka Position (Short story, 1993)
  486. Star of Gypsies (Novel, 1986)
  487. Starborne (Novel, 1996)
  488. Starhaven (Novel, 1958)
  489. Starman's Quest (Novel, 1956)
  490. Starship Saboteur (Short story, 1957)
  491. Stay Out of My Grave (Short story, 1956)
  492. Stepsons of Terra (Novel, 1958)
  493. The Still Small Voice (Short story, 1960)
  494. The Stochastic Man (Novel, 1975)
  495. Stormy Voyager (Non-fiction, 1968)
  496. Stress Pattern (Novelette, 1960)
  497. Strong Waters (Novelette, 1958)
  498. Subterfuge (Short story, 1960)
  499. Sundance (Short story, 1969)
  500. Sunken History: The Story of Underwater Archaeology (Non-fiction, 1963)
  501. Sunrise on Mercury (Short story, 1957)
  502. Sunrise on Pluto (Short story, 1985)
  503. Swords Against the Outworlders (Short story, 1957)
  504. Symbiont (Novelette, 1985)
  505. Tales from the Venia Woods (Short story, 1989)
  506. Tales of Majipoor (Novel, 2013)
  507. Thebes of the Hundred Gates (Novel, 1991)
  508. There Was an Old Woman... (Short story, 1958)
  509. There's No Place Like Space (Novelette, 1959)
  510. Thesme and the Ghayrog (Novelette, 1982)
  511. They Hide, We Seek (Short story, 1990)
  512. A Thief in Ni-moya (Novelette, 1981)
  513. Thirst for Vengeance (Short story, 1959)
  514. The Thirteenth Immortal (Novel, 1956)
  515. This Is the Road (Novella, 1973)
  516. This World Must Die! (Novella, 1957)
  517. Thomas the Proclaimer (Novella, 1972)
  518. Thorns (Novel, 1967)
  519. Those Who Watch (Novel, 1967)
  520. A Thousand Paces Along the Via Dolorosa (Novelette, 1981)
  521. Three Survived (Novelette, 1957)
  522. Three Survived (Novel, 1969)
  523. The Throwbacks (Novelette, 1970)
  524. Thunder over Starhaven (Novella, 1957)
  525. A Time for Revenge (Short story, 1957)
  526. The Time Hoppers (Novel, 1967)
  527. A Time of Changes (Novel, 1971)
  528. The Time of the Burning (Short story, 1982)
  529. Time of the Great Freeze (Novel, 1963)
  530. A Tip on a Turtle (Novelette, 1991)
  531. To Be Continued (Short story, 1956)
  532. To Jorslem (Novelette, 1969)
  533. To Live Again (Novel, 1969)
  534. To Open the Sky (Novelette, 1967)
  535. To Open the Sky (Novel, 1967)
  536. To See the Invisible Man (Short story, 1963)
  537. To the Dark Star (Short story, 1968)
  538. To the Land of the Living (Novel, 1990)
  539. To the Promised Land (Novelette, 1989)
  540. To the Rock of Darius: The Story of Henry Rawlinson (Non-fiction, 1966)
  541. To the Western Shore: Growth of the United States (Non-fiction, 1971)
  542. Tom O'Bedlam (Novel, 1985)
  543. The Tomb of the Pontifex Dvorn (Novelette, 2011)
  544. Tools of the Trade (Short story, 1956)
  545. Tourist Trade (Novelette, 1984)
  546. Tower of Glass (Novel, 1970)
  547. Traitor Legion (Short story, 1958)
  548. Translation Error (Novelette, 1959)
  549. Travelers (Short story, 2000)
  550. Treasures Beneath the Sea (Non-fiction, 1960)
  551. The Tree That Grew from the Sky (Novella, 1996)
  552. Trips (Novelette, 1974)
  553. The Trouble with Sempoanga (Short story, 1982)
  554. Twelve Hours to Blow! (Short story, 1957)
  555. Two at Once (Short story, 1992)
  556. The Ugly Little Boy (Novel, 1992)
  557. The Ultimate Weapon (Novella, 1957)
  558. The Unbeliever (Short story, 1963)
  559. The Unique and Terrible Compulsion (Novelette, 1958)
  560. Unknown Soldier of Space (Short story, 1958)
  561. The Untouchables (Novelette, 1958)
  562. Up the Line (Novel, 1969)
  563. Valentine Pontifex (Novel, 1983)
  564. Valley Beyond Time (Novella, 1957)
  565. Vampires from Outer Space (Novelette, 1959)
  566. Vanishing Act (Short story, 1959)
  567. Vanishing Giants: the Story of the Sequoias (Non-fiction, 1969)
  568. Vault of the Ages (Short story, 1956)
  569. Vengeance of the Space Armadas (Novella, 1958)
  570. Venus Trap (Short story, 1956)
  571. Via Roma (Novella, 1994)
  572. Voriax and Valentine (Short story, 1982)
  573. Vornan-19 (Novel) (See The Masks of Time)
  574. Voyage to Procyon (Short story, 1958)
  575. The Wages of Death (Novelette, 1958)
  576. Waiting for the Earthquake (Novelette, 1981)
  577. Waiting for the End (Novelette, 1998)
  578. Walkdown (Short story, 1956)
  579. Warm Man (Short story, 1957)
  580. The Warriors of Light (Novelette, 1965)
  581. Watchdog (Short story, 1986)
  582. Waters of Forgetfulness (Novelette, 1959)
  583. The Way They Wove the Spells in Sippulgar (Novelette, 2009)
  584. The Way to Spook City (Novelette, 1992)
  585. We Are for the Dark (Novella, 1988)
  586. We Are Well Organized (Novelette, 1970)
  587. We Know Who We Are (Short story, 1970)
  588. We, the Marauders (Novella, 1958)
  589. Wednesday Morning Sermon (Short story, 1957)
  590. The Weight Watcher (Short story, 1977)
  591. The Werewolf Gambit (Short story, 1957)
  592. What We Learned from This Morning's Newspaper (Short story, 1972)
  593. When We Went to See the End of the World (Short story, 1972)
  594. Where the Changed Ones Go (Novelette, 1966)
  595. Which Was the Monster? (Short story, 1959)
  596. Why? (Short story, 1957)
  597. The Wind and the Rain (Short story, 1973)
  598. The Winds of Siros (Short story, 1956)
  599. With Caesar in the Underworld (Novella, 2002)
  600. The Woman You Wanted (Short story, 1958)
  601. A Woman's Right (Short story, 1956)
  602. Woman's World (Short story, 1957)
  603. Wonders of Ancient Chinese Science (Non-fiction, 1969)
  604. A World Called Sunrise (Novelette, 1958)
  605. The World He Left Behind Him (Short story, 1959)
  606. The World Inside (Novel, 1971)
  607. World of a Thousand Colors (Short story, 1957)
  608. The World of Coral (Non-fiction, 1965)
  609. A World of His Own (Short story, 1959)
  610. The World of Space (Non-fiction, 1969)
  611. The World of the Ocean Depths (Non-fiction, 1968)
  612. The World of the Rain Forests (Non-fiction, 1967)
  613. The World Outside (Novella, 1970)
  614. The World Within the Ocean Wave (Non-fiction, 1972)
  615. The World Within the Tide Pool (Non-fiction, 1972)
  616. World's Fair 1992 (Novel, 1968)
  617. Yokel with Portfolio (Short story, 1955)
  618. You Do Something to Me (Short story, 1959)