瓦伦丁君王统治的星球,没有战争,一派祥和。惩恶扬善的惟一方式,是由慈祥的岛夫人和令人颤栗的睡梦之王分别给人们送去温暖的梦境或可怕的梦魇。然而,一个惊天阴谋就在这平静的生活中悄无声息地拉开序幕。瓦伦丁君王被偷去身体和记忆,流落街头,遇到一个会变戏法的美丽姑娘…… 这不只是异星版王子复仇记,也不只是落魄国王与灰姑娘的倾城之恋。
My translation:
On the planet Lord Valentine rules, there is classless harmony and no war. Law and order is maintained by the benevolent Lady of the Isle and the terrifying King of Dreams who separately send people warm dreams or terrible nightmares. However, a conspiracy to shake this quiet life has quietly kicked off. Lord Valentine's body and memories have been stolen, leaving him on the streets, where he meets a beautiful juggler... This is not just a story of a Lord's revenge, but the story of a desperate king and the love of his "Cinderella."
As we follow Lord Valentine's progress, we will see the picture of a colorful distant planet unfold.
For the story of how I acquired this book, see my comments on the Chinese edition of Thorns.
This edition comes in two volumes — it seems Chinese publishers are averse to very thick books, at least in science fiction. The title is a phonetic transliteration: Walunding de chengbao. Since Mandarin does not have the V sound, Walunding is the closest rendition of Valentine; chengbao means castle.