Project Pendulum

by Robert Silverberg


Publication history


(From Bantam 1989)

Identical twins Sean and Eric Gabrielson — one a paleontologist, the other a physicist — have been selected as mankind's first time travelers. Together they set out from Time Zero, 2016, in opposite directions — one toward the past to see dinosaurs walk the earth; the other towards the future to learn the secrets of the gods. Somewhere beyond the eons and the ages they will reach Time Ultimate — and the secret that has eluded mankind since time began.


This is a novel time-travel scenario, quite fascinating and likely to make your brain hurt. When it comes to time, everything has to be balanced, so for everything that goes forward, something identical must go back, thus the identical twins recruited for the project. It starts out with Eric going back 5 minutes and Sean going forward 5 minutes. Then Sean goes back 50 minutes and Eric goes forward 50 minutes. It continues this way, with the brothers alternating jump directions, and each jump ten times the magnitude of the previous one. For the mathematically challenged, it works out to 5 minutes, 50 minutes, 500 minutes (8 hours, 20 minutes), 5000 minutes (3

Other resources

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