What's new?

This is a listing of updates to this website, as well as some items of interest to fans of Robert Silverberg. Note that links within postings worked at the time they were written, but may have changed since.


2006-01-04 — Added a Spanish translation of the home page here. Thanks to guipla from the Silverberg group.


2005-12-29 — By kind permission of the author himself, Majipoor.com is proud to present the 1956 story Man of Many Bodies for the first time available since its original publication.


2005-12-29 — Graphic artist Ken Seamon has come up with another great addition to the website. Check out his view of Majipoor from space on the Geography & Geology page.


2005-12-29 — New feature: A listing of the artists who have appeared on the covers of Silverberg's books. Go to the Artists page.


2005-12-23 — New expermental (to me!) PHP version of the site. Still some vestiges of old-fashioned style around, to be phased out as I get to them.


2004-05-05 — Robert Silverberg appeared on the cover of the April Locus magazine, with a lengthy interview inside. You can check out an excerpt here, or you can order a back issue with the full text postage free (save $2.00) or completely free with a subscription! Just click here for this special offer for Silverberg fans. Thanks to the nice folks at Locus for this special deal. For any fan of science fiction and fantasy, Locus is an invaluable resource and a great way to keep up with what's going on.